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We greatly appreciate those who support the Historical Society with their yearly dues. These dues go towards annual expenses such as insurance, maintenance fees, light bulbs, printer ink, etc.  Donations and memorials help fund special  projects each year. The past year has been difficult for us as we weren't able to reopen the museum until March and we missed all the interaction with community members and visitors. We also began the painful process of dismantling our exhibits, sorting through artifacts and preparing them for the move to our temporary storage in the old fire station at 12301 N Lakeshore Drive. We have a small work area and have been busy unpacking and trying to plan for the new museum. The city is going to build the shell of the museum and it is

up to us to  finish the interior displays. However, the original volunteers who created the museum exhibits 31 years ago are no longer with us so we are going to need help from volunteers with construction skills to pull this off.  


We are hoping to recreate several bigger and better "working exhibits" to take the place of some of the original ones. The MITCHELL’S PHARMACY AND SODA FOUNTAIN exhibit will be expanded to include a longer soda fountain counter with 3 stools for patrons to sit on. During special events we would serve ice cream cones, sundaes and drinks. In addition we have purchased several sets of ice cream parlor tables for patrons to use. Our goal is to create an exhibit that will allow you to step back in time to what it was like to visit this beloved landmark pharmacy 60-70 years ago.


After we found out we couldn't use the "Pink Palace" doors for the main entrance, we decided to have them open into the PINK PALACE exhibit which will have trophies on display, as well as vintage uniforms, letter  sweaters,  paintings and drawings of the "Pink Palace," cheerleader uniforms, T Shirts, autograph books, diplomas and photos. We just purchased a set of school lockers to house our collection of yearbooks.


Another new  exhibit will be an early 1900’s classroom in the WHITE SCHOOL. This school is where the majority of students in Lake  Stevens attended up until the 1950s. Plans are for three rows of four vintage school desks that students can sit in to complete lessons such as on cursive writing, geography and arithmetic using chalk and slate boards.   


We have received our third Community Heritage Grant for $11,000.00 which will cover the cost of digitizing the last 16 years of  our local newspapers. When this is completed we will have digitized 60 years worth of local papers. Several years (1932-1964) of the "Flashlight," the school produced newspaper, will also be digitized. We are excited to preserve this history for Lake Stevens residents, visitors and future generations. For more information, mail us at the address below, email at, leave a message on the museum facebook page, or leave a message at 425 418 4445.


Again, thank you for supporting our historical society. We wouldn’t be able to offer the above without your help! If you are on Facebook, visit us at  for updates.

Family Membership


membership to the historical society for 3+ people

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Individual Membership


membership to the historical society for 1 person

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Senior Membership


membership to the historical society for individuals 63 or older

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Mailing Address
Contact Info


Temporary Storage Unit:

12301 Northlake Shore Drive

Lake Stevens, WA.    98258

PO Box 874

Lake Stevens, WA 98258

Phone: 425-212-3320


The museum contents are in temporary storage at 12301 Northlake Shore Drive, Lake Stevens, WA until a new museum can be built.


Free, Donations are gladly accepted.

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